Who can ever read a portion of scripture concerning the priesthood, without having his heart secretly and sweetly led forth to contemplate the Lord Jesus in his priestly office? Who can behold the sons of Levi, as offering to the Lord an offering in righteousness, without connecting with it the glorious representation of Him, who made his soul an offering for sin, that his people might be made the righteousness of God in him? Who could look at Levi or any of his order in their priestly garments, and overlook Jesus there represented: who wears a vesture dipped in blood, and ever liveth to make intercession for his people. Hail! Almighty Priest of a better covenant, established upon better promises. We see in them that the law made men high priests which had infirmity: But thou, O blessed Jesus, wert consecrated with an oath, by Him that sware and will not repent, that thou art a priest forever, after the order of Melchisedec. Lord, help me to come under thy censer, to be interested in thine offering, thy blood, thy sacrifice. Take, blessed Jesus, my cause, my person, my poor offering, all that I have, and all that I am, into thine own gracious hands, and let me be presented in thy most precious offering. Sure I am that I shall be eternally and everlastingly safe, because thou ever livest to make intercession for sinners; and sure I am, that thou canst, and thou wilt, save all that come to God by thee, since thou hast, by the one offering of thyself once offered, forever perfected them that are sanctified.

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