READER! let you and I, as we enter upon the perusal of this inspired Book of God the Holy Ghost, first pause, and bless the Almighty Author of it for giving so sweet and precious a portion of his holy word to the Church. Oh! for grace, to be always watching the footsteps of God the Spirit, who hath been from the first formation of the Church, to the present hour, watching over it, watering it every moment, and keeping it, night and day. And, oh! for grace, while we bless God for giving to his Church some Apostles, and some Prophets, and some Evangelists, and some Pastors and Teachers, for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ; to keep always in view, that these are but instruments; it is the Lord himself is the Almighty Minister, presiding over his Church : for all these worketh that One and the self-same Spirit dividing to every man severally as he will! Lord! from thee, may my soul look for blessing, on thy servant's labors!

And Reader, let us also not lose sight of the Lord's distinguishing mercy, in this, and all the sacred, and inspired writings, sent to the Church. It is to Christ's Church, they are sent; not to the world. It is to them that are sanctified, as the opening of this Chapter shews, not to the unsanctified : to the called to be saints, not to them whose names are not written in the book of life. Oh! for grace here also, to watch the Lord's gracious regard to his Church.

And Reader! let you and I, as we go over the several beautiful, and soul-refreshing portions of this sweet Chapter, remark, the preciousness of Jesus in all, his Person, offices, relations, and characters, to his people; the blessed teachings of God the Spirit, in glorifying Christ Jesus to their view; and the faithfulness of God the Father, in calling his people to the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ. And, Oh! for sweet communion, and fellowship, with all the Persons of the Godhead, in, and through Christ, that amidst all the diversity of forms, and contentions of the several Churches, like Corinth; our souls may be found resting wholly on Christ. And while the fleshly wisdom, and pride of men of the world count Christ and his cross foolishness; we may know the Lord Jesus to be to us, the power of God, and the wisdom of God, for salvation to everyone that believeth. Thou hast indeed, 0 Lord, in the instance of all thy redeemed, chosen the weak and the foolish, yea, the base things, to confound the mighty; but the Lord's strength, is thereby made manifest, in creature weakness And we bless thee, our God, that as we have nothing, and are nothing in ourselves, yea, worse than nothing, by reason of ignorance, sin, and unholiness: Christ is made of God to us, all we need, for grace here, and glory hereafter. Christ is our wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption: and all our glorying is in the Lord!

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