Lord give thy people grace to follow thy faithful servants as they have followed thee! Truly, thou dearest Lord! thou art the head of every man, for by creation all is thine. But, oh! how sweet to my soul, that, while Jesus is the head of dominion to the whole creation of God, he is the head of union to his body the Church, the fulness that filleth all in all.

Almighty Jesus! blessed forever he thy name for thy grace in committing to the Apostle, for the benefit of thy Church, the precious form of institution of thine holy Supper. Oh! for grace to eye thee at every renewed opportunity of attending thy table, as receiving sinners, and eating with them! Oh! for faith in lively actings upon thy Person, and blood-shedding, and righteousness, so as to hear thee saying to my poor soul, amidst the numbers of thine round thy table, Take, eat, this is my body which is broken for you, This Cup is the New Testament in my blood. This do ye as oft as ye drink it in remembrance of me. Oh! Lord! who shall thy people ever remember, if we are capable of forgetting thee! Lord! make the sweet service to all thy redeemed, a commemorating, communicating, refreshing, soul-strengthening ordinance, to feast thy saints here below, till we come to sit down with thee at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in heaven.

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