Reader! do observe with what lowliness of heart, Paul desired the Church to regard him, and his companions in the ministry : mere servants and stewards, not as lords over God's heritage. Paul's great object was, to be found faithful. He considered, that all he was, and all he had, his gifts, graces, knowledge, time, talents, were wholly for the benefit of Christ's Church. And, as he told the Lord's followers upon another occasion, when writing to them, so in all the departments of his ministry, he felt a willingness to have imparted unto them, not the Gospel of God only, but also his very soul, because they were dear to him. Oh! the blessedness of sect a frame of mind, when found among the servants of the Lord's sanctuary.

But, Reader! do not overlook the sure consequence of faithfulness in the ministry. Paul experienced it then : and the same, more or less, is the same now. Simply to preach Christ, in all his glory, fulness, and all-sufficiency, never did, nor ever will fail, to call forth the anger of all self-righteous Pharisees, and excite the indignation of the mere nominal professor, even more than the profane. It was so in the days of the Apostle, it is so now, and will continue through the whole time-state of the Church. But, oh! how sweet to eye Christ amidst all exercises, and to refer all events into his sovereign hand, as Paul did; he that judgeth me, (said he), is the Lord!

Almighty Master! give to all thy faithful servants grace, that when reviled, they may bless; when persecuted, may suffer it; when defamed, they may entreat. May they be content to suffer shame, so Jesus be but honored; and delight to go forth unto their Lord, without the camp, bearing his reproach!

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