Reader! You and I may well enter upon this blessed portion of God with prayer. And surely, under divine teaching, we shall end it in praise. Oh! who can contemplate Him whom John saw, heard, and handled, even That which was from the beginning, but with holy rapture and delight. Oh! that the object for which John declared these things, may be in my instance fully answered; and that I may truly have fellowship with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ!

Blessed God and Father! grant that light to thy redeemed, which may enable them to walk in thy light; and to know, by heartfelt experience, that the blood of Jesus Christ thy Son cleanseth us from all sin. And, Lord! let thy faithfulness and justice, as well as thy mercy and grace, be my everlasting comfort. God can be just, and the Justifier of him that believeth in Jesus. And God, for Christ's sake, will cleanse his redeemed from all unrighteousness.

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