Reader! let us behold, with holy joy, the gracious provision which God, who is rich in mercy, hath made for sin, in the person, blood, and righteousness of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is God who hath set Christ forth a Propitiation. And it is God who hath sworn him into the office of our Advocate. Blessed therefore with such a Propitiation, and such an Advocate, in One and the same Person, and of God our Father's own providing, with what confidence may we draw nigh the mercy-seat, under all the discouragements and infirmities of our poor fallen nature?

And, dearest Jesus! may not all thy redeemed behold thee, waiting with delight for employment in that high character of thine, our Advocate, for all thy people, since thou hast already acted as their propitiation, and made complete satisfaction for them in thy blood? Do thou, Lord, then, take up every cause, and plead in thine own infinite merits, and death, for every one of thine, against all the accusations of Satan, the demands of God's law and justice, and all the fears and misgivings of unbelief, and our own guilty consciences! Oh! the blessedness of the assurance, Jesus can and will save to the uttermost all that come to God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them!

Hail! no less thou Holy and Eternal Spirit! It is from thee cometh that unction, by which thy people know all things. Oh! for grace from God, to believe in God, and to continue in the Father, and in the Son, in the full assurance of the promise of eternal life!

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