The Apostle breaks out in the Opening of this Chapter, into a devout Strain of Admiration and Praise, in the Contemplation of the Love of God. He draws a Line of Discrimination between the Children of God, and the Children of the Devil. Some very sweet Proofs are given of the Character of God's Children.

1 John 3:1

Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.

Every word is a sermon. Every expression riseth with increasing glory, in this sweet verse. The mind of John appears to have been overwhelmed in the contemplation, and he knew not how to express himself, when calling into view the love of God the Father. Behold! saith he, mark the astonishing mercy, both in the love of God, as it is in itself, and the manner of it, as it is shewn to us; that we poor creatures, born in the Adam-nature of sin, should be called the sons of God! From everlasting having chosen us, and chosen us in Christ, his dear Son, given us to Jesus, predestinated us to the adoption of children to himself in Jesus, called us by his grace in Jesus, and accepted us in Jesus, and called us sons of God in Jesus! Oh! what love, yea, what manner of love is here?

And the subject is still heightened, from contemplating the discriminating nature of it; Therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. There is nothing which, under grace, tends to bring home the love of God to the soul, in an overwhelming tide of special manifestation, as when that love is marked to our view in the high flood of distinguishing mercy. The election of grace, shown in our effectual calling, and that at a time when the whole world lieth in wickedness, gives it the full conviction of God's sovereignty. The world looks on. The world hears the account. The world stands in a state of consternation at what is related. But, all the while, the world is as ignorant of the children of the covenant, as they are of the Lord's design in the covenant. Oh! how striking are the words of Jesus to this effect. Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven; but to them it is not given; Matthew 12:11. And hence the Prophet, Ah! Lord God, they say of me, doth he not speak parables? Ezekiel 20:49.

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