Reader! how gracious was it in our God, to give his Church such tokens as are here marked down, in order that every child of God might know; his having been begotten, to the adoption of children in Jesus Christ. Yes! blessed God, we do know whose we are, and to whom we belong, by our being made believers in Christ Jesus. It is sweet, it is blessed, to know him, and to love him, and to delight in him, who came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ!

Glory be to the three heavenly witnesses, for their united testimony to the Son-ship of Jesus Christ! Lord! give all thy redeemed grace, to receive with holy joy, the record God hath given to his dear Son, and that eternal life which is in him. And oh! may every individual member of his mystical body, rejoice in Christ, and live by faith here, until he come to live in glory hereafter on Jesus, and eternal life in him.

Farewell, thou beloved disciple! we thank our God for his love to thee, and his employment of thee, and for all the benefit the Church hath derived under the Holy Ghost, from thee, in thy ministry. Shortly Jesus will come, and take home his Church, and the Lord shall be then seen, surrounded by his saints, with the whole redeemed Church of God, and all the disciples whom Jesus hath loved.

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