(20) Wherefore it came to pass, when the time was come about after Hannah had conceived, that she bare a son, and called his name Samuel, saying, Because I have asked him of the LORD.

I would have the Reader to notice in this verse, the expression, when the time was come about. There is a time to favor Zion. We are in haste for all we ask. But the Lord's time is the best time. The Lord waits this time to be gracious. If the Reader would mark this in his memorandums, it would be of great use to him, in waiting the Lord's answers to prayer. Isaiah 30:18. Samuel signifies asked. So that Hannah called the child by this name, to remind both him, and her, that being thus given in answer to prayer, every motive of gratitude demanded his being dedicated to the service of the great Giver. Reader! if you and I were thus to name our blessings, which the Lord bestows upon us in answer to prayer, should we not have many that we might also properly call our Samuels?

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