This Chapter opens with an account of Israel's distress, by reason Of the Ammonites' daring encampment against Jabesh-Gilead. The Gileadites are disposed to submit to the Ammonites, but their terms are both insolent and cruel. Saul being made acquainted with the circumstances of the case, commands all Israel to assemble for the relief of the Gileadites. He routs the Ammonites in battle, and makes a very great slaughter of them. All Israel rejoice, in consequence thereof, and are full of praises of their new king.

1 Samuel 11:1

(1) В¶ Then Nahash the Ammonite came up, and encamped against Jabeshgilead: and all the men of Jabesh said unto Nahash, Make a covenant with us, and we will serve thee.

These Ammonites were relations to Israel, being the descendants of Lot. And if the Reader will consult Deuteronomy 2:19, he will find how graciously the Lord dealt with them on that account. This was but a poor requital to Gilead. But when sin weakens, every enemy takes advantage.

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