PAUSE over this chapter, my soul, and mark, in the history of Saul, the sure consequences of rebellion against God. The word of the Lord assures us, that, when a man's ways please the Lord, he maketh, even his enemies to be at peace with him. But, when sinners neglect and despise the Lord, he can convert their very comforts into crosses. And Saul, though at the head of a kingdom, shall be afflicted, and his crown be filled with thorns.

But, my soul, while remarking, as in this man's history, the sure consequences of sin, remark no less in his history, and in thine own, how gracious the Lord is, notwithstanding all our multiplied transgressions. The Lord will not retain his anger forever, because he delighteth in mercy. By some slender instrument, like that of Jonathan, he will work out deliverance for his people. Oh! my soul, learn to impress upon thy mind those precious things of God's grace. And in all thy manifold undeservings, never lose sight of divine love. And when at any time trials and difficulties occur for the exercise of faith, keep a steady eye unto Jesus, that it may be enlightened with the droppings of his grace, as the honey did unto him. And depend upon it, in the strength of the Lord Jesus, it will be found that all difficulties are as nothing. He can, and will make thee more than conqueror, through the sovereignty of his power. All obstacles, in the way to the accomplishment of his holy purpose, will be as nothing, for there is no restraint to the Lord, he saveth, by many or by few.

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