BLESSED Redeemer! I cannot behold the show-bread which David craved for himself and followers, from the hand of the Priest, without having my soul led to contemplate thee, thou bread of life, thou show-bread on the Golden Altar, before thy Father, as the everlasting food of all thy people. Thy flesh is meat indeed, and thy blood is drink indeed. Thou hast been the show-bread of thy Father before all worlds. As the corn is bruised, and broken, and prepared for nourishment to the body, so, precious Jesus! hast thou been bruised and broken for our sins, and prepared for the durable substance of thy people, from and to everlasting. And oh! the heavenly, the divinely prepared sustenance in thee! Thou art shown forth by our God and Father as the infinitely satisfying fulness on which thy people may live forever. Without thee all is empty and unsatisfying. in thee every want is answered. Thy Priests (for all thy people are a nation of kings and priests) enjoy thy fulness. The carnal world neither know thee nor enjoy thee. Oh! precious Lord God, enable me by true faith, with all the royal priesthood, to make a special appropriation of thy person and righteousness, with all thy saving benefits, to my soul. I would live upon thee, rejoice in thee, walk with thee, and make use of thee, as David did the show-bread of the sanctuary, upon every occasion. Be, thou my God, and acknowledge me for one of thy people. Never like Doeg, to be detained before thee; but, as a free-will offering, may I present myself by the mercies of my God a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is my reasonable service. And do thou, dearest Jesus, give me of the bread which is in secret, which the world knoweth not, because it knew thee not, that I may eat and live forever.

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