(7) Now a certain man of the servants of Saul was there that day, detained before the LORD; and his name was Doeg, an Edomite, the chiefest of the herdmen that belonged to Saul.

The character of this man is somewhat singular. He was an Edomite; that is, one of the stock of Esau. How came he in the house of the Lord, or employed in the service of Saul? Perhaps from being skilful as an herdsman. And observe the expression; he was detained before the Lord; that is, his attendance in the sanctuary was constrained, not willingly. So that take him altogether, he was an enemy to God and his people. His presence, when David came to the sanctuary, foreboded no good. When the sons of God present themselves before the Lord, Satan comes also with them. Job 1:6.

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