My soul! I charge it upon thee while reading this chapter of the Lord's providence concerning Saul, that thou search diligently into the records of thine own life, for the testimonies of the Lord's dealings with thee, both in his world of providence and grace.

Pause and see whether the same gracious God, while thou hast been searching out the things of time and sense, hath not been going before thee, anticipating thy requests, blessing thee with things unasked, and infinitely exceeding all thy thoughts and expectations, with preventing and restraining mercy and grace? In things temporal, how hath be supplied all thy wants, thy bread hath been given, and thy water hath been sure, and God himself hath been thy defence as the munition of rocks. And in things spiritual how hath be outrun all thy desires! Nay, while thou wast standing out against him, and causing him to serve with thy sins, and wearying his patience with thine iniquities, then it was the Lord had mercy upon thee, even before thou wert conscious of the want of mercy; and saved thee though he knew that thou wouldst deal very treacherously, and wast a transgressor from the womb. My soul! keep this ever in view, to make thee humble, to endear Jesus, to hide pride from thine eyes, and to make the redemption work of thy God more and more sweet and important. And oh! for grace, continual grace, to make suitable returns of love and praise and obedience, where mercy and favor are so freely given. Thou art called to a kingdom that cannot be moved. Jesus hath made all his children kings and priests to God and the Father. Whatever trials beset us in the way to the possession of future glory, there is no state can be truly called comfortless while Jesus is our portion. Neither can one of his children esteem his mercies small who is saved from hell, and brought into the sure path of Heaven.

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