Who can behold the affection, manifested by the Apostle to the Church, as set forth in this Chapter, without being struck with the conviction, that there is, there must be, in every faithful minister of Christ ordained, and sent forth, as Paul was, by the Holy Ghost, somewhat of the same love and affection. How is it possible for that man to be earnest in the service of souls, whose own soul is not melted by grace, into an ardent desire, for their everlasting welfare? Coldness, deadness, and an indifferency, argue, yea, prove, an unsuitableness for the ministry. And, whatever gifts and talents of the head a man may possess, in the mere letter-knowledge of the truths of God; he will never enter into the ministry with an earnestness to win souls, except a sense of his own salvation, makes him feel for others. Blessed Paul counts it his life, while the Church lived. The salvation of the people, was his hope, and crown of rejoicing. And hence, he could, and did say: as you have acknowledged, so we trust you shall acknowledge even to the end, that we are your rejoicing, as ye also are ours, in the day of the Lord Jesus. Reader! it will be your happiness, and mine, to discover our hearts brought into the same oneness of spirit, in Christ. His is the glory, and ours is the happiness. And, while both minister and people, are established by his grace, in him; we shall then be accepted, unblameable in holiness in him, before God, even our Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his saints.

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