READER! what a blessed consideration is it, to the renewed soul in Christ, that He who is made of God to us wisdom, and righteousness; is no less our sanctification, and redemption? And, it is among the most blessed of all thoughts, and which God the Holy Ghost is forever impressing on the minds of his people, that our oneness and union with the Lord Jesus, brings up after it, an interest, in all that belongs to him as Christ. Our union with his Person, gives a security to our life in him, our graces from him, and our everlasting happiness with him; for assuredly, where He is, there must his members be. Precious Jesus may I never lose sight of those gracious assurances of thine. Because I live ye shall live also.

Blessed Lord the Spirit! thanks to thee, for sending thy servant to teach the Church, how to regulate our sorrows, when under bereaving providences. Never let my soul mourn anymore when any die in the Lord. Tears may fall. Yea, Jesus will not be displeased when they fall. It is the funeral of nature. And Jesus, who wept himself at Lazarus's tomb, will not be angry if any weep at mine. But grace triumphs. It is not death, but sleep, yea, a sweet refreshing sleep, when Jesus calls home his members. But while we hear the voice which John heard, we may write it as the inscription on the graves of the saints. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord! And, as sure as they sleep in Jesus; so sure God will bring them with Jesus in that day when he comes. And ye members of Christ, who are yet unborn, whom Jesus shall appoint to be alive at his coming; ye also shall partake in the triumphs of his coming. Though ye go not down to the grave, yet will the Lord change your vile bodies, under which ye groan, and fashion them like unto his glorious body; according to the power whereby he is able to subdue all things to himself. Lord! give grace to thy Church, that amidst all the dying circumstances of thy people her below, we may be able to comfort, and to exhort one another with these words!

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