Hawker's Poor man's commentary
2 Chronicles 1:17
I PASS over every other consideration in this chapter, to have my soul unceasingly fixed on thee, thou glorious Solomon, and the peaceable, happy reign of righteousness, which by thy coming to the throne of David thy father, thou, even thou, O blessed Jesus, hast brought in to the redemption of mankind! I cannot look on any other. I dare not take off my thoughts from the contemplation of Jesus! Thy word tells me, that in thee are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. And to what other source shall I go, who am so poor and ignorant in myself, and need supply so continually, when all riches and honour are with thee, and there is none else that can cause my soul to inherit substance. Like the Solomon of whom I read in this chapter, I would say, Give me understanding and knowledge, that I may have that life eternal, which consisteth in the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ! Hath not God thy Father constituted thee King in Zion? Hath he not given all things into thine hand? Is not grace, mercy, life, and peace, treasured up in thee? And are not all the blessings thy redeemed can possibly need, in time or in eternity, found in thee? not simply as plenteous as the stones in Jerusalem, but inexhaustible, incalculable, unsearchable? Oh! then for faith to believe the record which God hath given of his dear Son! I would come to thee, blessed Jesus, for all I need. And I would come as one sure to obtain. For though thou hast all the treasures of heaven, and art the Almighty Treasurer, yet is it not for thyself, but for thy people. It hath pleased the Father, that in thee should all fulness dwell; that of thy fulness we might all receive, and grace for grace. Who so ready to give as Jesus! Who so needy as I! Pour out then, Lord, of thy fullness. I ask not the riches, the wealth, the honour of this vain world, but the wisdom that maketh wise unto salvation. I ask Jesus himself! Grant me thyself, O Lord, for in thee I have all things.