How beautiful upon the mountains (saith the prophet) are the feet of them that publish salvation. And a lively token of divine favor, in the person of Azariah, was given here in this embassy from God to his people. And was not the purport of his visit to the same effect? Did he not hold forth the presence, the favor, the love, the assurance of protection to the people, while adhering to their covenant engagements? And what were these things but shadows and types of Jesus?

And what is it now? Ambassadors are sent by the Lord Jesus to propose and negotiate with poor sinful men, an embasage of mercy, favor, and peace. On Jesus, our fullness, our security, our very being and safety depend. And if, while these glorious tidings of God's good-will to men are held forth to us like Asa and the people, our very souls go forth in praise, and love with thanksgiving, for the unspeakable gift of God in his dear Son: oh! how certain is it, that the Lord will give us rest on every side from all our enemies. The Lord will fight our battles for us, and we shall hold our peace, When a man's ways please the Lord, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.

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