It must have been an animating thing after the victory, and in the moment of returning from the spoils of the foe, - this address of Azariah. And observe how seasonable it was. Though the Lord had given them victory, had heard and answered prayer; and had destroyed the enemy; yet let not Asa and his people suppose that they might now return to folly. There is more cause than ever now to keep close to the Lord, that the mercy lately manifested might be perpetuated. Reader! mark what is here said with an eye to Jesus? Hath he lately helped us in our conflicts with the enemy? Hath he given us to see our nothingness, and his all-sufficiency? Let these things become only a more earnest call upon our hearts to see our daily need of him, and that we may act more faith upon him. Let his glory be our chief aim: and this will ensure us his abiding favor.

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