I would ponder well the contents of this sweet Chapter. What a mercy to a place, to a Church, to a people, is a faithful servant of the Lord Jesus Christ! What a mercy to that servant, that minister, that he hath this treasure, in an earthen vessel; that when creature-weakness is made manifest, and successful in Creator-strength; it may lead his heart, to give all the glory to the Lord.

Blessed Jesus! make me an humble follower of those faithful servants of old, who were enabled through grace, to bear about with them always the dying of the Lord Jesus; that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in their body. Oh! for grace to be kept above the afflictions of a moment, in the sure and certain prospect of that eternal glory, which shall be revealed. Lord! grant, that a believing view of that everlasting Covenant, which is ordered in all things and sure, and a consciousness through grace, of a personal interest in all the blessings of it; may keep my soul from fainting, under any of the exercises of the present time-state of existence. Yet a little while, and he that shall come, will come, and will not tarry. Oh! for a life of faith in full exercise, until that which is perfect is come; and when that which is in part shall be done away.

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