What everlasting praise hath the Church of God to offer, to the joint Authors of such unspeakable grace, and favor, as are given to the Church, in Jesus Christ! Blessed forever be God the Father, who both gave his dear Son, as a Covenant for the people; and heard him, and succored him, in the day of salvation! And blessed forever be God the Son, who hath given the accepted time, and the day of salvation to his Church, during the whole of her time-state, upon earth. And blessed be God the Holy Ghost, who not only maketh the Lord's people willing in the day of his power; but in the infinite condescension of his grace, maketh their bodies his temple! Oh! Lord the Spirit! do thou give me to know, and live under, thy gracious abidings, from day to day. Suffer me not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For as Christ hath no concord with Belial, so let not my soul have fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness. Oh! for grace to be separated, that I may daily, hourly, be enjoying the astonishing grace, in having the knowledge, and enjoyment of God as my Father, and live, among the One and daughters of the Lord Almighty!

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