We can hardly say on this occasion which to admire most, the want of faith in Hezekiah, in asking a sign, or the abundant grace of the Lord in granting one by way of confirming his sacred word. Surely, Hezekiah, it was enough that the Lord promised. But, alas are we not all incredulous and unbelieving upon a thousand less occasions? I stay not to attempt explaining how this sign was accomplished. Subjects of mere curiosity, or amusement, come not within the design of this humble Commentary. I venture, however, to tell the Reader that the 15 Songs of degrees, as they are stilled, which we meet with in the book of the Psalms from the 120th (Psalms 120:1) to 134th, (Psalms 134:1) have been conjectured, by some to have reference to the degrees in the sun's shade on this occasion and the lengthening the king's life. But I only mention it; I presume not to add a single thought upon the subject.

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