I pray the Reader to mark with me the astonishing goodness of the Lord. Surely here, in an eminent degree, that scripture was fulfilled, Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound. Romans 5:20. Is it not somewhat strange that the prophet Elisha should be upon this occasion with the amyl It would be so, had not the Lord been about to bestow a signal mercy upon his people, in the midst of all their undeservings. Reader! doth not God cause his holy word, as here he caused his servant the prophet, to be always near at hand for the consultation of his people. And Reader! do not fail to remark that though none of the kings knew Elisha was near them; yet a poor, despised, and overlooked servant did. So is it not unfrequently now. While Jesus and his precious gospel are hid from the wise and prudent, how often are they revealed to babes. It should seem from the answer of the prophet that it was for the salvation of Jehoshaphat, and the faithful followers of the Lord, which were in the army, that Elisha had it in commission to attend the camp. How sweet the thought! It is on account of Jesus's Church the world is upheld. Believers in Christ are the salt of the earth, which preserves it from universal putrefaction. There is somewhat very striking in the prophet's waiting for the Lord's presence, and in the mean season composing his mind with melody. Observe the Lord's mercies. Israel shall have abundant supply, and to show the Lord's hand in this supply, it shall be without the ordinary means. Moreover; Israel shall have a complete victory over her enemies; and this victory shall be of the Lord. But what I most particularly would beg the Reader not to overlook in those mercies is what is said as to the time in which the beginning of them was shown; namely, that it was in the morning when the meat-offering was offered; thereby evidently alluding to the season of sacrifice. If the Reader will consult the law of Moses on this grand subject, he will find that in the daily offering of the two lambs, one in the morning, and the other in the evening, this meat-offering with both formed a part in the solemn service. And as the Lord declared it to be a continual offering, in his sight of a sweet savor; and which was expressly commanded to be observed throughout their generations; and that there the Lord would meet them; would dwell among them; would be their God; and they should know him: I hope the Reader is led by the Holy Ghost, the great author of this appointment, to see so much of Jesus and his precious sacrifice, which he offered to God for a sweet smelling savour in all this, that he cannot need any observation from me for the pointing it out. What was the morning and evening lamb offered daily for, but to keep up a perpetual type of the Lamb of God, slain from the foundation of the world? And what did the continual presentation of this sacrifice set forth, but that the efficacy of Christ's blood should be of perpetual duration, and his priesthood an increasing ministry? And wherefore was the promise of Jehovah to meet his people upon these occasions so solemnly assured, but to teach the church that the meeting place of Jehovah with his people is in Christ Jesus, and nowhere else Reader! let me beg of you to turn to the several scriptures I shall here mark at the close of these observations. And oh! that the Lord may make them most blessed to your meditations! Exodus 29:38; Daniel 9:21; Ephesians 5:2.

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