In this chapter the prophet Elisha is again introduced. He multiplieth the widow's oil. A son is given her. The child dieth. Elisha raiseth the child again. At Gilgal he healeth the poison in the pot. He feedeth an hundred men with twenty loaves of barley and ears of corn. These are among the contents.

2 Kings 4:1

The conduct of this widow may serve to teach us where we are to apply in our insolvency and distresses, even to the Lord God of the prophets. You and I, Reader, may truly say to Jesus, thou knowest; Lord, we are insolvent, and the creditor is come to take us into bondage. But thou knowest also, that thy fear is in us, and that we are thy servants. That is, if indeed Jesus hath called us by his grace. The conduct of this poor woman may serve also, in a yet more peculiar manner, to teach where the widows of God's servants, and especially his prophets, I mean his poor ministers, are to apply, when from the narrowness of their income they are left by their husbands insolvent and in poverty. What a blessed and gracious direction to this effect is that sweet precept and promise. Jeremiah 49:11.

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