I cannot help remarking again, if peradventure I have mentioned it before, that among the precious things of the sacred scriptures of the Old Testament, those are not the least, which represent the Holy Ghost as shadowing forth, upon many occasions, the outlines of Jesus. When we see the prophets, and priests and servants of the Lord sketching, in type and shadow, some of our Lord's characters, though it be ever so faintly; doth it not serve to teach you, Reader, (I bless the Lord it doth me) the graciousness of the Holy Ghost? Did not the blessed Spirit seem to intimate by this plan, that he always delighted to glorify the Lord Jesus: and as such, as if to keep up in the minds of his people, the coming of the Son of God, caused his servants to perform occasionally such acts of beneficence and mercy, as the Lord Jesus himself should hereafter more fully display, when the time came for his tabernacling among us? Hence feeding; with a few loaves, an hundred men, was a beautiful representation of him, who not only would cause the loaves and fishes to multiply under his Almighty hand, for the supply of the bodies of the hungry; but would himself be the everlasting sustenance of his people, as the living bread of their souls, forever. Lord! I would say; Ever more give us this bread! Joh_6:5-14; Joh_6:32-58.

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