I would have the Reader remark with me on the character here given of pious Jehoshaphat's son, how dreadful it must have been to such a father to have so degenerate a son. Grace is not hereditary. Jehoshaphat could not give it to Joram. And it is to be feared, by what we read in the history, short as it is, that the good man did not take the likeliest means to obtain it. For he made, or suffered to be made, a dreadful alliance for him with Ahab's daughter. And add to this, he gave up the kingdom to him before his death, thereby feeding his pride and vanity. Reader! have you never remarked (I have), how frequently pious parents, from consulting natural feelings more than gracious ones, awfully indulge their children to their hurt, and thereby give displeasure to the Lord. What an awful reproof was that of God to Eli, 1 Samuel 2:27, etc.

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