MY soul! learn from this view of David's sweet frame of mind under very heavy afflictions, the preciousness of faith, and the blessed effects of it. No doubt, in David's estimate of life, those seasons were most highly valued by him, when upon a review of them, after the trying hours were over, he could look back and see how graciously the LORD had led him through them, supported him under them, and brought him out of them. And, Reader, do you mark it down in your experience, for I desire never to lose sight of it in mine, that, painful as afflictions are, a true believer in JESUS is ultimately a gainer by every conflict and trial he is called upon to go through. That promise must be sure, All things, how discouraging soever they may now seem, work together for good to them that love GOD, to them who are the called according to his purpose. And, if our faith be enabled to give due credit to GOD, depend upon it, GOD will give due reward to faith. And to live upon GOD'S perfections, his promises, his covenant engagements in JESUS, when all the avenues, as they appear to us, are shut up, by which those engagements can be fulfilled; this is precious faith indeed! Dearest JESUS! grant me grace so to live! May my confidence in thee, my interest in thee, my recourses from thee, and my life upon thee, be always such, that whether, like David, the streams of outward comforts run low, as in this flight of his from his city; or whether the communications of thy grace remit their accustomed flowing; yet, knowing that thou art the same, and the sovereign efficacy of thy salvation admitting no abatement, my assurance in thee may be the same also. And let my song be like the prophet's, that though the fig-tree shall not blossom: neither fruit be in the vine; the labour of the olive fail, and the fields yield no meat; the flock be cut off from the fold, and there be no herd in the stall; yet will I rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the GOD of my salvation.

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