(5) Although my house be not so with God; yet he hath made with me an everlasting covenant, ordered in all things, and sure: for this is all my salvation, and all my desire, although he make it not to grow.

How natural and proper was it for David, when speaking of JESUS, and his salvation, to make an immediate transition to his own personal interest in both; and to take comfort from this delightful assurance, amidst all the outward circumstances which had arisen through life to distress him. Reader! as this verse of David's hath afforded comfort to thousands, and will continue to do so until time shall be no more, I would wish you not to pass it over hastily, but look into its several properties, praying over it, that the LORD may grant you to adopt (if it be his blessed will) the same precious assurance on the same precious grounds. Do observe the confession David makes of his personal calamities. Although, (says he) my house be not so with GOD. Poor man! what a scene of sin and evil did the walls of his house furnish in his graceless children. To say nothing of the great miscarriages he had wrought himself; his day was a day of clouds, from morning even to the evening. How many of his children died in their sins! But what saith David under these trying circumstances? Although my house be not so with GOD; yet hath he made with me an everlasting covenant. As if he had said, JESUS is mine, though he be not my childrens'. GOD hath given me JESUS, and that is enough; for in him I have all things. He is better to me than a thousand sons. Sweet consolation, and a glorious relief, under all afflictions. But this is not all included in it. The covenant in JESUS's blood and righteousness is an everlasting covenant. It reaches into eternity. It is also ordered in all things, brings all blessings with it. And it is sure: nothing can break it down. It may well be called the sure mercies of David. And lastly; David sums up all in declaring, that it is not only all his salvation, but all his desire, although he make it not to grow. As if he had said, In JESUS my felicity is so complete, my redemption so perfect, and my desires so fully answered, that I find no room for anything more. It is all my salvation, for it leaves no room for anything to be added: It is all my desire, for I can want nothing beside. Here then I rest my soul with all its capacious cravings for happiness. In JESUS I have all. Reader! what say you to this blessed conclusion of David!

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