BLESSED be the Lord Jehovah in his threefold character of Persons, for all the mercies, grace, and love, manifested to the Church of God, in Jesus Christ. And blessed be the Lord the Spirit, for this precious portion of his holy word, from the ministry of his servant the Apostle. Add to it, Lord, the blessing of making it life, and spirit, to the souls of all thy redeemed: and do thou, blessed God, for it is thine own sweet office-work alone to accomplish it, direct our hearts into the love of God, and into the patient waiting for Christ.

And, oh! thou Almighty Minister, under whose government the entire welfare, and prosperity of the Church depends; do thou watch over all the congregations of the faithful, that idleness, and disorderly conduct, may find no shelter; neither the poor of thy people be neglected, in the daily ministration. Lord, the work is thine, and thine alone the glory. Make thy ministers faithful: and let the Church be blessed. Farewell Paul! the Church of the Thessalonians have praised God for thy labors of love: and all the Churches, to whom thy writings have been sent by the Holy Ghost, have blessed, and do bless God, for calling thee to the ministry. But oh! thou glorious Head, and praise of all thy saints, be thou eternally loved, and adored, for all the Pauls, and the Pastors, of thy Church! All is thine, Almighty Jesus! And for all we praise thee! Amen.

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