Hawker's Poor man's commentary
2 Timothy 4:1-5
(1) В¶ I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; (2) Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. (3) For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; (4) And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. (5) But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.
I pray the Reader to remark, the earnestness, with which Paul charged Timothy, on this momentous ground, to be faithful, and diligent in his ministry. Though Timothy was very dear to Paul; yet the Lord Jesus Christ, and his cause, was infinitely dearer. And, let the Reader yet further remark, in what a solemn manner the Apostle introduceth the Lord, both Father and Son, including the Holy Ghost, who is the Almighty Speaker by Paul, as looking on, while he thus chargeth Timothy to faithfulness. Yea, he seems by his expression, as if he had brought this young man before the presence of the Lord, and then bids him behold, who were witnesses to this renewed Ordination! Oh! that God the Holy Ghost would carry the conviction of this solemn scripture, to the consciences of those, who run unsent of God; that the awful prospect of His coming to judge the quick and dead at his appearing, might stop the mouths of them, who serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own bellies! Romans 16:18
And, while the Reader particularly noticeth the Apostle's charge to the faithful Preacher; let him no less observe, the special cause, for giving a command so earnest in relation to the people. The time will come, (saith Paul), when they will not endure sound doctrine. What an awful account. We read in the Old Testament scripture of some, who said to the Prophets: prophecy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophecy deceits. Isaiah 30:10. But here seems, if possible, a more awful delusion, when the sound doctrines of the Gospel, men will not hear, nor endure. It is worthy the Reader's observation, that the Lord Jesus himself, in allusion to the latter-day dispensation, declared, the delusion should be so great, that had not the Lord shortened it, no flesh could be saved. But, saith Jesus, (and a sweet saying it is, to the Lord's people), for the elect's sake, whom he hath chosen, he hath shortened the days. Mark 13:20. Paul, in taking leave of the Church at Ephesus, beheld; with great concern, the alarming times of the latter-day heresies. Acts 20:25, to the end.
Let the Reader observe further on this subject, that when the Apostle spake of a time that would come, when men would not endure sound doctrine, he then spake of a distant day. But if we consider the signs of the present time, that day is actually come. Surely it is impossible for any child in grace, to contemplate the circumstances going on in the Churches professing godliness, and where the Gospel is repeatedly said to be preached; without being struck with the most palpable conviction, that men do not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lusts, are heaping to themselves teachers having itching ears.
If there be a doctrine of the Gospel of Christ, more eminently to be insisted upon, one than another, in being the bottom, and foundation of every other; surely, the everlasting love of God in the choice of his Church in Christ, is that doctrine. For from hence ariseth the redemption of the Church by Christ, from the Adam-fall of sin: and the regeneration of the Spirit, by God the Holy Ghost. In short, all, and everyone of the momentous doctrines of grace, are the result of this first, pre-disposing, and eternal love of God to the Church in Christ, before all worlds. Ephesians 3:9. As such, can it be otherwise supposed, than that this glorious, fundamental article of our most holy faith, should be the constant, unwearied subject of every Preacher's discourse; and the joy of every hearer's heart, in all Churches of the Saints? From hence, as from a foundation, all the after-building in grace, must arise. And to this, every wise master builder, (as Paul calls preachers), hath respect, as forming the basis of the whole superstructure. Could it ever have been supposed then, that any age of the Church, would be found, that would go off this foundation? Yes! saith the Holy Ghost, the time will come, when they will not endure sound doctrine. That time is indeed now come; and come with such awful forerunners of evil, that the grand Truths of our holy faith, are frittering away, so as by many to be nearly given up. The glorious doctrines of election; redemption solely by Christ, as a finished salvation; and the Person, Godhead, and Ministry of the Holy Ghost: these Truths are seldom spoken of by some, and relinquished by others. Nay, the departure from sound doctrine, hath been so great, that in the self-importance of vain minds, some have gone so far, as to form comparative statements, between the doctrines of election, predestination, the atonement, and the like; and what they call other topics, and in their view, of a supposed equally important nature, that in the presumption of their minds they have turned the attention of the faithful to the former, as disproportioned.
Alas! what blind leaders of the blind, must such men be! And what a leanness of soul must be found, in the congregations, where such men minister? For what proportion (to use their own words) can there be, between the drops of the bucket, and the ocean; or the small dust of the balance, and the whole earth? And yet, far less must there be, between the glorious purposes of Jehovah, in his electing love of his Church in Christ; than all the counsels, wills, and works of men, and angels, to all eternity. But such men see it not. And hence neither they, nor their congregations, can endure sound doctrine. The itching ears of the one, and the unhumbled pride of the other, are in quest of somewhat, which shall gratify the lusts of both. The lust of the Pharisee, is satiated, in the compliment paid to his self-righteousness; and the lust of the Professor is not less indulged, in the having a name to live, while virtually dead before God. And both Preacher, and Hearer, sit down in the complacency of their own self-importance.
Reader! I pray you to pause over the awful prospect Persons of the complexion I am adverting to, with confidence tell us, that the piety of our days is reviving. Whereas, God the Holy Ghost speaketh expressly, that in the last days perilous times shall come. And the Son of God hath left upon record, that so general will be the apostacy of the last days, that if it were possible, they should deceive even the very elect. Mark 13:2. If these men were taught of God, and acquainted with the plague of their own heart these things alone would be enough to convince them of their error. But, alas! they are too full of self-importance. Paul's charge to Timothy, before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, to be instant in season, and out of season, and to reprove, rebuke, and exhort with all long suffering and doctrine, (which implies much opposition to a faithful ministry), they know not. The fashionable congregations they address, according to their system, require neither reproof nor rebuke. And thus for the most part such men live, and, it is to be feared, too often die, full of their own good deeds, and literally strangers to their own corruptions before God.
But, what a blessed relief hath God the Holy Ghost given, to the alarming view of such men, in the short, but sweet portrait he hath drawn, by the Apostle, of what form the outlines of a faithful servant of Christ. But watch thou in all things; endure afflictions; do the work of an Evangelist: make full proof of thy ministry. Without entering into all the parts of the ministerial character, which would form a volume, rather than to be comprized within the limits of a short observation, which this work can only allow; suffer me to ask, what afflictions from men, would the work of an Evangelist bring upon a preacher, whose chief bent is to compliment his hearers? And what watchings do those men go through, for the souls of the people, who know nothing of the doubts, and fears, and spiritual distresses, of exercised believers? What full proof can they give of their ministry, whose services are confined to the pulpit? Paul, who recommends this conduct to Timothy, and who preached the sound doctrines of election, redemption, and regeneration, continually; was himself a living example of what he enjoined. He entered into the spiritual concerns of all the Lord's people, and made their case his own. Who is weak (saith he) and I am not weak? Who is offended and I burn not? 2 Corinthians 11:29. Faithful servant of Jesus! Hadst thou lived in these days, what burning of soul wouldest thou have felt, at the conduct of those, who, though professing Christ, cannot endure sound doctrine!