ALMIGHTY God and Father! may all, whom the Holy Ghost hath made ministers in the service of the Church of Jesus, hear the solemn charge of Paul to Timothy, to prompt to faithfulness in their high calling. And, no less, Almighty Jesus! may the sure expectation of thy appearing, and thy kingdom, to judge the quick and dead, awaken such, to be diligent in thy service to thy coming. Lord! give them grace to preach the word, and to be constant, in season, out of season; and especially in these awful times, when the way of truth is evil spoken of, and men will not endure sound doctrine. And, oh! thou blessed, and Almighty Spirit of all truth, do thou guard, and guide, lead, and instruct all thy family; that the hearts of thy people, may not be turned unto fables.

Blessed be a faithful Covenant-God in Christ, for the fulfillment of his faithful promise, in the instance of Paul, in giving such a pastor, after his own heart. The Church of God bless the Lord for this man's services, in all his past labors; and in all his future usefulness. Oh! grant, Lord, that all thy faithful, whether ministers, or people, may like Paul, and from the same cause, live and die, in the full assurance of faith, in expectation of the crown of righteousness, which the Lord the righteous Judge, will, give at that day to all them that love our Lord's appearing!

Praises to the Father, Son, and Spirit, for this, and all the other precious portions of God's word; to make the Church, under divine teaching, more and more acquainted with the Person, and glory of Jesus, for the happiness of the life that now is, and that which, is to come. Amen.

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