How can I begin, or end, the perusal of this blessed Chapter, without having my whole soul led to the Lord Jesus, in contemplating the infinite preciousness of his Almighty Person, and the finite preciousness of his Almighty work. Truly, Lord, thou hast shewn thy Church and people, that in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature, No obedience to the law, nor all the imperfect and unmeriting services of thy servants under the Gospel, can recommend to God. All justification is alone in thee. And oh! how very blessed to the souls of thy redeemed ones, is that precious Scripture, Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believeth. Be it my portion, 0 Lord, under the sweet influences of the Holy Ghost, to enter into an heartfelt enjoyment of these things, that I may be included in that glorious assurance of my God, by his servant the Prophet, In the Lord shall all the seed of Israel be justified, and shall glory.

Praises to God the Holy Ghost for thus causing the frailties of his faithful servants to be recorded, for the edification and encouragement of more frail and exercised servants of our God, in the service and ministry of his word. Oh! that the Lord the Spirit may render the review of it at all times profitable to his Church. Earthen vessels at the best, even the Apostles of Christ were, and how less than nothing, but as the sufficiency is in Christ, must be all that labor in the Word and doctrine. Oh! then vouchsafe thy sovereign grace, O Lord the Spirit, to all thy sent servants. Make them one in Christ, and then will they with one mouth and one heart glorify God, and be at peace among themselves.

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