It must have been a blessed time in the Church, when Ministers, ordained of God the Holy Ghost, found their minds disposed in the intervals of public service, to labor in private for their daily bread, that they might not make the Gospel of God chargeable to any. And we find, that so far was this employment in honest industry, for their own maintenance, from damping the ardor of their zeal for God, that while Paul wrought in tent-making for his daily bread; his soul burned with an holy flame, to preach Christ to the people. Oh! that all the faithful ministers of the sanctuary now, were under the same blessed influence as Paul was then, when he was pressed, as it is said, in Spirit, and testified to the Jews that Jesus is the Christ.

Reader! let you and I bless God our Savior, that in such a city as Corinth, the Lord had a Church: yea, much people. Let us love the Lord Jesus, for granting so sweet and timely a vision, to tell Paul this, as is here recorded. And, let us ponder well the record, as it concerns the Church of God, in all ages. Depend upon it, the same is now, and so will be, is the very end of time. Jesus hath much people in every city where he sends his Gospel, his word, his servants. In this our city, our sinful land, which like Corinth is full of uncleanness, luxury, pride, and every evil. His people are in the midst of many people, as the remnant of Jacob. They are like sparks, among the stubble as pure seed, among the tares. Yea, how many of them, all of them indeed, originally and by their Adam-nature living during the days of their unregeneracy, in the same sin, and under the influence of the same corruptions. But Jesus will search and seek them out. They are his, and he must gather them. The Father gave them to him in charge, and they must all pass again under the hand of him that telleth them. They are the purchase also of his blood, and too dearly bought to lose one of them; too dearly loved to be indifferent about them. And, God the Spirit hath marked them to the day of redemption. Precious Lord Jesus! cause all thy faithful ministers to keep these things in remembrance, and like Paul when oppositions from men or devils arise, to call to mind this sweet vision of their Lord, as though they still heard Jesus say: Be not afraid, but speak and hold not thy peace, for I have much people in this city!

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