Peter and John heal a Cripple at the Gate of the Temple. Peter takes Occasion therefrom to preach to the People.

Acts 3:1

Now Peter and John went up together into the temple at the hour of prayer, being the ninth hour.

We have here the entrance into the history of a miracle wrought by two of the Apostles, Peter and John, on a cripple, in the name and by the authority of their Divine Master the Lord Jesus Christ. It appears to me, that beside the fact of the thing itself, it hath a sweet spiritual allusion to the crippled state of our nature: and as such, upon both occasions, it may well merit our close attention.

We are told, that those two dear brethren, Peter and John, were going up together at the ninth hour to the temple; that is three of the clock in the afternoon, the hour of prayer: meaning the time of the evening sacrifice. This was the memorable hour of Christ's death on the cross; and to which all the evening sacrifices of the temple, from the first moment of their appointment to the death of Jesus, had respect. David's hour, Psalms 55:17. Daniel's sweet hour, Daniel 9:21. See also Exodus 29:38.

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