Reader! behold, the wonderful effects wrought upon the mind of Nebuchadnezzar! To see a prince thus forgetting all distinction and dignity, and falling prostrate before a poor captive; nothing can more fully demonstrate the powerful operations which must have been induced by the Lord in his mind. But, I beg the Reader at the same time, not to overlook the important lesson it teacheth. Though the King was thus convinced, none but God could have revealed those things to Daniel; and though the Lord worked upon the King's mind to such a degree, as to make him fall to the ground before Daniel under this conviction; yet all this was no work of saving grace upon Nebuchadnezzar's heart. Men may tremble under the word, may confess, like the magician's in the court of Pharaoh, at the sight of the miracles wrought by Moses in the name of the Lord, that the finger of God was in them (Exodus 8:19.) yet all the while, nature remains unchanged, unregenerated. Nebuchadnezzar asked no further after the God of Daniel; neither did the magicians, or Pharaoh, desire to worship the God of Daniel. Reader! I pray you to mark the striking difference. It is to be exceedingly feared, that in this our day, many a stony ground hearer may melt, or rejoice under the word, and for a while, fully acknowledge the truths they hear, whose hearts remain unchanged, and are still unregenerated by grace. Matthew 13:20. What an awful consideration!

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