It is wonderful to observe, how much Moses was led to speak to the people against the idolatry of the neighboring nations around them. As if the LORD meant to convey by the frequency of his precepts on this subject, the extreme jealousy he had for his honour. I cannot help adding, from the view here given of GOD'S displeasure, at the pretended diviners of what is to come, how cautious our children should be made of listening to the pretended prognostications of modern fortune-tellers. Alas! that such ignorance should have remained in the world to the present period! What Paul saith of the ignorance of preceding ages in general, may, by a parity of reasoning, be peculiarly applied to this part of the science in the present. "The times of such ignorance GOD hath winked at, but now hath commanded all men everywhere to repent." Acts 17:30.

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