Whether the former observations in this chapter, which I ventured to make concerning the ever blessed JESUS, be well founded or not, yet here I presume to speak with more confidence; for the HOLY GHOST hath graciously taught the church by the ministry of his servant the apostle, that CHRIST was made a curse for us, and in him this law had its grand completion. Precious JESUS! didst thou indeed hang on the accursed tree, at once a spectacle to heaven and earth, as if undeserving the notice or regard of either, when in thy spotless soul thou hadst done no sin, and no guile was found in thy mouth, and this on purpose that we might be made the righteousness of GOD in thee! Oh matchless love! Oh unequalled condescension! LORD! enable me to carry about with me in my body the dying of the LORD JESUS, and may thy life, O JESUS, be manifested in my mortal flesh. Galatians 3:13; 2 Corinthians 5:21.

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