Moses dwells much upon the tribe of Levi, But it is remarkable, that though he himself was of that tribe, yet he never once mentions his relationship. It is precious to remark the humility of Moses. And yet more so, when we connect with it the grace of the LORD in him, from whom that humility originated. The prayer of Moses for the blessing of Levi in the priesthood is striking. The Urim and the Thummim, signified lights and perfections, qualities eminently necessary to be joined to the priesthood. But where among the sons of Levi, must we look for them? With thee only, blessed JESUS, who art indeed the holy one, and the only holy one of JEHOVAH: can we find these things, and with thee, they are forever. The waters of Meribah, and Massah, were monuments of the fallibility of human priesthood. Perhaps the period alluded to, of Levi's faithfulness, was as related. Exodus 32:27.

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