Here is related to us, the account of Moses' death. To whose pen we
are indebted for the relation of it, under the HOLY GHOST, is not
said. The LORD gives his servant a view of the promised land: to which
is added, the account of his death and burial, the mourning of Israel
for Moses, and... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe, it is said, that the LORD showed it to him. Yes! every view
and every renewed view, as well as the first manifestations of divine
favor flow from GOD'S grace, not our deserts. Hence Paul prays for the
Ephesian church, that GOD would give them the spirit of wisdom, and
revelation in the know... [ Continue Reading ]
Here we arrive to the close of all in Moses. He felt that sentence
which passeth upon all men, because all have sinned. Dust thou art,
and unto dust shalt thou return. Genesis 3:19. But Reader! observe his
character. He is said to have been the servant of JEHOVAH, the saint
of GOD. And we know from... [ Continue Reading ]
Concerning his burial, we have but a short account. But, short as it
is, nothing can be more honourable. The LORD himself buried him, and
no eye was privy to it. Probably to prevent any superstitious notions
concerning him. We are informed by the HOLY GHOST, in his servant
Jude's Epistle, that the d... [ Continue Reading ]
The promise, Thou shalt go down to the grave in a good old age, was
remarkably fulfilled, in the instance of Moses. If the Reader will
consult the genealogy of Moses he will discover, that his Maker,
grandfather, and great grandfather, were all older when they died than
himself. Amram his father was... [ Continue Reading ]
The mourning of Israel for Moses, was decent and proper. We are not
commanded to refrain from mourning, only we are not to sorrow as
without hope. Oh! what a difference hath the death and resurrection of
JESUS put in the circumstances of death! To true believers in CHRIST,
our charnel-house is but o... [ Continue Reading ]
We are here first introduced into an acquaintance with Joshua, as the
successor of Moses. Joshua is well known before as a faithful follower
of the LORD, but not as the leader of the LORD'S people. Moses must
first be buried before that CHRIST can be fully known and received.
Moses must die in Moab,... [ Continue Reading ]
Very honourable testimony is given to Moses, as a servant of JEHOVAH;
and the HOLY GHOST confirms it in another part of the sacred writings;
when pointing out the superiority of the LORD JESUS in his divine
office and character. Hebrews 3:5. And here, Reader, we drop Moses. He
hath served his genera... [ Continue Reading ]
FAREWELL, Moses! thou faithful servant of the most high GOD! thou
highly favoured, highly honored herald of my ever adored Redeemer! Thy
memory shall be ever dear to me: for under the sweet and precious
influences of the HOLY GHOST, thou hast informed me of things which I
knew not, and... [ Continue Reading ]