It is a very interesting remark of Moses, in this verse, that the covenant here spoken of was not confined to the days of Abraham, or the Fathers; but that the law, to which Moses referred, was all subsequent to the covenant made, or rather revealed, to Abraham. A plain proof, as Paul in his comment upon it hath observed, that the proclamation of GOD'S covenant of grace, made known to Abraham concerning Redemption by the LORD JESUS, and which the rite of circumcision was appointed as a sign and seal of for the confirmation of the faith, could not be rendered void, or become conditional, by the law given on Horeb, which was four hundred and thirty years after. A delightful consideration to the believer, who would tremble at mount Sinai but for this, and now rejoices that he is come to Mount Zion. Hebrews 12:18.

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