This is one of the most precious offices of the HOLY GHOST, when he graciously brings to our remembrance the things of JESUS, in reminding us of our need of him, by reason of our sin. And I would very earnestly desire the Reader to remark with me, how Israel of old carried with him the same feature of character as Israel now. Israel was rebellious from the hour of his deliverance from Egypt. Reader! it is not merely from a state of nature, that your rebellion and my rebellion hath been shown; but, after the LORD has brought us out of spiritual Egypt. It is an humbling, but truly profitable thought, because it tends to endear JESUS to the heart, that after the work of regeneration is wrought sin still works, and frequently manifests how much it reigns in the affections. "I knew (saith GOD) that thou wouldst be a transgressor from the womb." Isaiah 48:8.

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