Be not righteous over much; neither make thyself over wise: why shouldest thou destroy thyself?

Various have been the opinions concerning the Preacher's meaning in this verse. Common sense, however, cannot but conclude, that if Solomon meant the righteousness of man, there would have been no cause for the caution of avoiding an overmuch righteousness among creatures, sinful and fallen as the best of men are. But if the wise Preacher meant to guard against that ill-founded and unbecoming confidence, which too often springs out of a supposed righteousness, the precept is beautiful and just. Faithfulness itself in God's rich promises in Christ, when it is made, by our improper use of it, to beget presumption in ourselves, instead of looking wholly to that arm, which first wrought it to our heart to keep it there, will lead to the confines of danger. This is strongly and fully read to us in the instance of Peter. Had the Apostle confided more in Jesus, to preserve him, and less in his own strength, Satan would not have had such advantage over him. Luke 22:31. But a man's fall, or as the phrase of Solomon is, his own self-confidence, ministers to destroy himself, when he is overmuch righteous in anything of his own, instead of living wholly out of himself, upon the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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