My soul! ponder well the many blessed truths contained in this Chapter, that thou mayest understand aright the words of the wise, and their dark sayings. Suspect thyself, and thine own heart, whenever the scriptures appear, at the first reading, with an aspect thou canst not immediately unfold. And do not forget to look up to God the Holy Ghost, the Author of his own most blessed word, who if any man lack wisdom, and will ask of God, giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not. Yes! thou Almighty Teacher! under thy gracious instruction do I pray continually to come. Taught by thee, I shall find it profitable to go to the house of mourning rather than to the house of feasting. Taught of thee, I shall never find confidence in any supposed overmuch, righteousness. And taught of Thee, my soul will not despond in the otherwise overwhelming view of the multitude of my transgressions. But looking unto Jesus, whom thou art forever glorifying to my view in him, and his complete all-justifying righteousness, shall all my poor services be forgotten; and in his all-cleansing blood, shall all my sins be done away; and, like the iniquity of Judah, and of Israel, when sought for, shall not be found.

Precious Lord Jesus! increasingly precious be thou to my poor soul! Where, or to whom, should I look, but to thee, under the daily infirmities of a fallen nature, which even in justified souls, are breaking out continually. Oh! Lord! keep, I beseech thee, my eyes stedfastly fixed on thee. Cause me to look within the vail, whither as the forerunner of thy people, thou art entered! And let me never forget the infinite and eternal worth and excellency that there is in thy blood, though there be new defilements in my poor heart from day to day! Oh! cause me to remember thy never-failing Priesthood, and to take comfort from the assurance that thou, blessed Jesus, hast more to plead for thy redeemed before God and the Father, than their transgressions have to plead against them. And let me never lose the blessed sound in my ears of the gracious voice of God, in confirmation of the merits of thy blood and righteousness, in which he hath said, Deliver him from going down into the pit, I have found a ransom.

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