AMIDST numberless blessed things, for raising reflection of a sweet, and spiritual nature, contained in this Chapter; I would beg of God the Holy Ghost, for grace, to fix my mind upon God the Father's love, in that, the Church is called by him dear children! Oh! for grace to consider the blessedness of such a name, and the proof, that all his redeemed are, indeed, dear children in his Almighty view. For He hath chosen them in his dear Son, given them to his dear Son, and given his dear Son for them, and chosen them to himself, as his adopted children in Christ. Oh! who that is enabled by grace, to enter into an apprehension of the unspeakable, mercy contained in such a relationship, but must cry out, with the Apostle: Behold! what manner of love the Father hath bestowed on us, that we should be called sons of God!

In like manner would I beg of God the Holy Ghost, to fix my mind upon God the Son's love, who hath so loved his Church, as to give himself, an offering, and a sacrifice, to God, for a sweet smelling savor. Oh! thou dear Emanuel! let the rich savor of thy blood, which hath perfumed heaven forever, sweetly cleanse my soul, from the savor of all uncleanliness!

And no less would I beg of God the Holy Ghost, to fix my mind upon his own glorious Person, and Godhead; and that, in the fruit of the Spirit, in all goodness, and righteousness, and truth, I may be a follower of God, as one of his dear children, and walk in love, as Christ also hath loved me, and given himself for me! Oh! for grace, to be walking in the light, as children of the light, and as the members of Christ's body, his flesh, and his bones. Shortly, Jesus will bring home his Church; and all the great purposes of his mystery, will be accomplished. His people shall then see him as he is, and know even as they are known!

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