HERE let us pause over the close of this Epistle, and, as we look back, and review the wonderful contents of it, may both the Writer and Reader of this Poor Man's Commentary, bow down before the throne of a Covenant, God in Christ, for so rich a portion of divine revelation of Jehovah's love to the Church! Oh! God the Spirit grant to us, if it be thy blessed will, a spirit of wisdom and revelation, in the apprehension of those divine truths, and that they may be the engrafted word for the salvation of the soul.

Blessed Lord Jesus! we praise thy holy name, for thine unceasing mercies over thy Church, that amidst all the ravages of time, and all the revolutions of men and things; thy Church remaineth, and ever must remain, as long as the moon endureth, from one generation to another. And, although Ephesus is no more; the Church which was in Ephesus, and all the faithful in Christ Jesus, are the same, founded in Thee, the glorious Head of thy body; the same yester day, and today, and forever.

Faithful Paul! our love to thee is great, in that the Lord counted thee faithful, putting thee into the ministry. Thou wert indeed, as thou hast here said, an Ambassador, though in bonds. Blessed for the Church was it, that the Lord sent thee as his Ambassador. And what art thou now, since like an Ambassador returned to his Master's royal Court, thou hast given in thy report to the King, and hast entered into the joy of thy Lord! Almighty Head of thy Church and people! bless all thy redeemed here below, who like Paul, love thy appearing in the regenerating of sinners, and comforting of saints, and who are looking forward for thy appearing, when thou shalt come to be glorified in thy saints, and admired in all them that believe! In that great day of God! thou wilt give to everyone of thine, the crown of righteousness, which fadeth not away. Then will the whole Church shout for joy, and everlasting praises will be heard, from all the ransomed of Zion, to Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, through endless ages. Amen.

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