IF we anticipate the history of this memorable event, as the sacred writer hath in the subsequent Chapter s given it, we shall not only derive a most blessed lesson, how to wait the LORD'S time in all trials for deliverance; but we shall learn also, how to possess our souls in patience during the dark hour. Never, perhaps, was there a more deadly blow aimed by any wretch, than this Agagite leveled at the poor Jews. And the sequel shows us that it fell wholly upon himself. Reader! depend upon it, such will be all the stratagems and schemes of Satan, in his various attacks upon JESUS and his Church. It is not enough to say that his designs shall do no harm; we must say more than this, and be convinced that they shall all do good. For all things work together for good to them that love GOD. Doth Satan plan my soul's destruction? Doth he want to get me into his snare? doth he desire to have me, that he may sift me as wheat? Do I know these things? do I feel, at times, his power? Doth he join with my corruptions to cast me down? And doth a sense of this make me cry to the LORD? Doth it cause me to fly out of myself, and take refuge in JESUS? Surely then, the LORD overrules even the devices of the enemy to my soul's welfare. And I ought to rejoice, as the HOLY GHOST, by his servant James, commanded the church, when falling into divers temptations. Here then, blessed JESUS, let my soul always rest on thee, and thy finished work of salvation, when at any time unpromising events and discouraging trials occur. Oh! for grace, at all times, to exercise faith on that sweet promise: Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee, because he trusteth in thee.

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