Psalms 78:14. And is it not as constant, sure, and abiding now? Matthew 28:20; Psalms 121:4; Isaiah 4:5


Lord! Let all thy distinguishing mercies, (like those which were granted to Israel), by which thou dost manifest thy love to my soul, be so deeply impressed upon my unthinking and forgetful heart, that by thy power they may live in my constant remembrance. And I would yet further pray concerning them, that the more distinguishing thy tokens of love in them are, the more sweetly they may be held in my esteem. Will my God also grant me grace, to be not eating my morsel alone; and while commemorating his mercies in redemption to my soul, hide the knowledge of it from those around me. But Lord make me communicative, in imparting the glad tidings to others. Chiefly may I remember thy precept, and teach my children, and my children's children, how by strength of hand, the Lord hath brought me out of worse than Egyptian bondage, even of sin and death. And since, Lord, thou hast been so gracious, as to bring me out, and art bringing me through the wilderness, I know that thou wilt bring me in to see that good land, which is the glory of all lands, even the goodly mountain and Lebanon. Dearest Jesus! during this wilderness state, and while exercised with wilderness dispensations, ever give me to see, that however rough and thorny the way, still it is the right way, to the city of habitation. Be thou my pillar of cloud by day, going before me in grace and wisdom, to direct: and be thou my pillar of fire by night, to surround me, and screen me from all danger. Lord, I would humbly cast myself upon thy care, for, like Israel, hitherto thou hast borne me as upon eagle's wings. Lord bring me home at length safely unto Canaan, that where thou art I may come, to behold thy glory, and to dwell before thee forever.

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