Here opens to our view the Lord Jesus, in his manifestations to his church and people. Paul's authority under the Holy Ghost is enough to certify the point, This rock he tells us expressly was Christ. 1 Corinthians 10:4. And here we behold the first openings of that river, whose streams ever since hath made glad the city of God. Psalms 46:4. With what rapture is this event spoken of and referred to, in the after ages of the church? Psalms 114:8; Psalms 114:8; Deuteronomy 32:13; Isaiah 43:19. But how sweet is this blessed subject spiritually considered. God our Father hath given us this rock, Christ Jesus: and it hath pleased him that in him should all fulness dwell. And are not all the graces of the Holy Ghost like rivers of living water, flowing to us in and through Christ Jesus? John 4:14; John 4:14. Historians tell us that this rock in Rephidim still remains in the valley. No doubt the Israelites contrived, that the streams flowing from this rock should have channels to run in. For it is said to have followed them wherever they went in the wilderness.

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