What an evident type of the Lord Jesus! Matthew 4:2


Reader! let you and I learn, from the perusal of this Chapter, to prize the invaluable privileges to which we are called, in having our Almighty Mediator, even the Lord Jesus, to go in before the divine presence for us at all times, and upon all occasions. Blessed be that merciful dispensation, which brings us near in his blood and righteousness: so that we can, and do, behold him as the brightness of his Father's glory, and the express image of his person. And may we never lose sight of that unspeakable mercy by which we have confidence, that the Lord Jesus having accomplished the redemption of his people, is now ascended up on high, hath led captivity captive, and received gifts for men, yea saith the Holy Ghost, (as if we ought to take particular notice of that) even for the rebellious that the Lord God might dwell among them. Blessed Lord! while I read of Moses, in this interview, let thy grace direct me to behold thee, and by thy power enable me to keep it ever in view, that thou art gone up unto the mount to thy Father, and our Father; and there let my soul, by faith, continually ascend, and dwell until that hour shall arrive, when thou wilt return to take thy people to thyself, that where thou art, there they may be also.

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