The word here translated borrow, might have been rendered crave or beg. Ezekiel 39:10


Enquire, O my soul, when did the visions of God begin in thy experience! And when did the Lord Jesus call to thee, as to Moses, by name; and make himself known to thee otherwise than he doth to the world? Oh! for special, distinguishing tokens of the divine love and faithfulness.

Reader! learn from that part of the life of Moses which hath been already brought before you in this and the foregoing chapter, how much more suited a life of retirement is for the enjoyment of communion with God, than a life of bustle. Moses saw and learnt more of God at the back part of a desert, than all the forty years before, in which he had been educated in a court.

But principally in this Chapter, let neither the writer or reader overlook the typical representation here made, of the Lord Jesus coming down from heaven to redeem his people. Dearest Saviour! thou hast surely seen, and heard, and known the afflictions of thy people, which are in spiritual Egypt. Oh! thou great, thou Almighty I AM, that art the same yesterday, and today, and forever, give me to rejoice in the firmness and unchangeableness of all covenant mercies: in the Father's gift, the Saviour's purchase, and the blessed Spirit's application! How precious is it to reflect, that when by reason of the bondage and oppression of sin, our souls are bowed down and we are tempted to cry out, our strength and our hope are perished from the Lord; thou rememberest us in our low estate, for thy mercy endureth forever. Be thou still the great I AM to me, and with me, and for me. May I have the grace forever to know, to live upon, and to rejoice in, this great I AM, in all covenant relations that being brought up out of the Egyptian bondage of sin and death, I may, at length, through the same Almighty grace, be brought into the glorious Canaan of everlasting rest.

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